Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout

Buck-rabbit describes this one as a traditional full-bodied milk stout with the sweetness to contrast with the sharpness of the roasted grains.  This one comes in at 5.7% ABV.  The beer pours a nice dark brown, almost black.  No appreciable head forms.  So far it looks like a stout.  The sharp grains definitely come through on the nose.  Carbonation is healthy and on par with a 5.7% beer.  The sweetness is noticeable and a very nice touch but the roasted grains are the star of this beer.  They impart a lively taste to the beer that just begs for a second and third taste.  It took a while before I was able to discern any hints of the earthy flavors of any hops.  The flavor is best described as coffee flavors and could be completely unattributed to any hops.  This beer has a bright finish that seems to be common in North Carolina beers.  The smokey flavors of the grains are very well balanced in this beer.  I very much enjoyed the balance in this beer.  It it very drinkable and the whole experience entirely enjoyable. This could serve as an excellent introduction to the style.  Milk stouts can be a difficult beer to brew as so many seem to get it wrong.  This one gets it right.  Give this one a try if you have not yet.

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