Tuesday, February 19, 2013

French Broad Anvil Porter

French Broad describes this as a silky, malty, and chocolaty.  They say it is light enough to have more than one.   The beer pours a very dark brown and forms a nice head although that dissipates .  The smell is very much that of a traditional porter.  The toasted malts are the predominate flavors.  Other subtle flavors mix in quickly but are harder to describe.  The beer has a bright finish that I don't generally associate with a porter.  This beer is a porter almost to the point of being boring   That isn't necessarily bad I just don't find this particular beer exciting.  This is going to be an easily accessible beer.  The toasted malt flavors are present but subtle.  The hops is on the light side.  The flavor balance is nice.   If you are new to the style or just leery of trying a beer made with toasted malts this is a great starting place.  This could be your simple gateway to a whole new world of beer.  For veterans this will taste very familiar and while not particularly exciting is certainly everything you'd expect from a porter.  You can certainly drink more than one of these just like they say.

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