Tuesday, August 27, 2013

French Broad Brewery Rye Hopper Ale

The French Broad Brewing Company Rye Hopper Ale is an American Pale ale that is sufficiently hoppy and has some rye malts added.  It is definitely an American Pale Ale.  I have to admit that the name on this one threw me off a bit.  It gave me some expectations of something else.  Now Hopper is definitely the biggest word on the label and had I been paying attention I might not have been so thrown off.  The hops is definitely the primary contributor to the flavor of this beer.  Now this isn't a bad thing I just got excited based on my expectations from the name.  All of that said this is an excellent American Pale Ale.  The beer pours a nice gold color and builds up a nice white head.  The level of carbonation seems low based on the head that forms.  After those first confusing sips of this one I finally was able to wrap my head around what I was drinking.  As American Pale Ales go this one is excellent.  The hops characteristics in the beer make it an excellent spring or summer choice.  You get the full citrus and some other floural aromas.  All of the malt character is rather subtle and added to give this beer something to differentiate it from other American Pale Ales out there.  Using rye gives this one a pleasant but light spice flavor that helps to mellow the hops bitterness quite well.  You can find a listing of current beers by French Broad here or if you find a bottle at your local bottle shop you should definitely consider it.  French Broad is one of those consistent Asheville breweries that make the area such a great beer destination.  They deserve to be one of your go-to brewery choices.

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