Thursday, April 11, 2013

Big Boss Brewing Company The Countess

The Countess comes in at 4.5% ABV.  It is described as a Framboise style ale.  This really just means it's a raspberry conditioned ale.  The Countess appears to be new to the Big Boss line-up as it was posted to their website in January 2013.  This is the first beer we selected to review for spring because of the fruit and malty blend.  Summer always brings to mind wheat beers and lighter flavors but Spring beers can float between the more complex winter beers and the simple refreshing beers of summer.  Adding raspberries to a simple ale should prove to be just what we look for in a spring seasonal offering.  Big Boss promises a refreshing ale and on that promise they deliver.
The beer pours a yellow gold with hints of red and shows a large amount of carbonation.  Despite the carbonation level only a small head forms but most of it persists.  The malts are strong on the nose and not much else comes through on this one.  I had hoped to smell some of the fruit but it just didn't seem to be there.  While disappointing it's not a deal breaker; this is after all a beer and not some candy malt beverage.  The flavors should prove to be subtle if the nose is any indication.  The beer is very mild at first taste.  The sweetness of the fruit is perceptible but not overpowering and a pleasant addition to the malt and yeast flavors.  Rather than hops bitterness I would describe this beer as tart from the fruit.  My overall impression is that this beer will be far to easy to drink and it may take more than one to fully appreciate all it has to offer.  If you can find this one on tap I suggest you order a pitcher, sit outside with friends and enjoy a few of these.  The combination of sweetness and tartness from the raspberries really set this apart as a spring beer.  This one is subtle and easy to drink.  As of early April reports say it's still hard to find and I hope that changes soon.  Big Boss Brewing has an excellent beer on their hands with this one and now is the perfect time to enjoy it.  This one should be completely accessible to any beer drinker.
If you are reading this during the month of April then it is NC Beer Month and seasonals like this one are a great reason to go out and celebrate.  For more information about The Countess check out the Big Boss website at: For more information about NC Craft Beer Month hit the link to the side or check out our preview page in the top navigation pane.

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