Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Boss Brewing Co. Hell's Belle

Hell's Belle by +Big Boss Brewing Co is a Belgian style ale.  This one comes in at 7% ABV and is listed as 30 IBU.  This is right in line with what you generally see with this style. They claim some citrus flavors as well.  The beer pours a very light yellow with generous carbonation showing.  A medium head forms that is more foamy than lacy.  There is a distinctly sweet and yeasty smell to this beer.  They are clearly trying to showcase the malts and yeasts like they said.  The citrus flavors don't come through as strongly as I might have hoped but this is otherwise a solid Belgian.  It has the strong malt character that I've come to expect from this style.  The finish is all malts and you get an excellent appreciation for the craft that goes into this brew.  There is a subtle pine flavor more so than citrus.  There are also hints of wood and caramel that suggest that the grains were malted shortly before brewing.  This is the kind of craft beer that is easy to enjoy for what it is but is much more rewarding when you begin to dissect it for what it is underneath.  The craft behind this beer is subtle but impressive.  You can taste the wood in the kiln that was used to malt the grains.  You can taste extra flavors and sweetness that the yeast imparts to the beer.  This is certainly one that deserves more than one glass.  You are likely to find something new in this beer to appreciate every time you drink it.  I enjoyed this one so much I didn't even have time to get a picture before I'd had nearly half the beer.  Find a six pack of this and enjoy, 'nuff said.  For more information Big Boss Brewing Co has an excellent website here and you can also find them on twitter @bigbossbeer.